This article is continuation from Linear regression with bayesian inference①. In this article, I will share with you about "training" of prior distribution and "predictive model" of "linear regression".
0. Mathmatical analysis of posterior distribution¶
For the sake of training of parameter w, what we wanna know is following probability density distribution.
In order to know what shape the posterior distribution is, we're gonna take logarithm on both side, logp(w|Y,X)=log(1√2πΛ−1exp{−12(w−m)TΛ(w−m)})+N∑nlog(1√2πλ−1exp{−12λ(yn−wTxn)2})+ const=−12{wTΛw−wTΛm−mTΛw+mTΛμ+N∑nλ(y2n−wTxnyn−ynwTxn+(wTxn)2)}
Since Λ is Symentric matrix , wTΛm=mTΛw. I know this equation seems to be a little chaotic. But hang in there, every cloud has silver lining. Consequently , we can get following result.
logp(w|Y,X)=−12{wT(λN∑nxnxTn+Λ)w−2wT(λN∑nynxn+Λm)}+ const
Now we can see equation is Quadratic form of parameter w. Therefore posterior distribution has form of multivariate gaussian distribution. p(w|X,Y)=N(ˆm,ˆΛ)
1. Mathmatical analysis of predictive model¶
As a predictive model, What we'd like to know is p(y∗|x∗,X,Y). Neverthless, the fact that prior distribution and posterior distribution is same form as multivariate gaussian distribution is substantiated, thus, we will compute p(y∗|x∗) at first, then we can replace prior distribution with posterior distribution.
Now we think p(w|y∗,x∗). p(w|y∗,x∗) can be deformed as below.
Take logarithm on both sides, logp(y∗|x∗)=logp(y∗|x∗,w)−logp(w|y∗,x∗)+const
2. Implementation¶
Here we're gonna compare the models where one is not trained, on the other hand others is trained.
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as LA
from scipy.stats import norm
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy.random as random
% matplotlib inline
# Required functions
def make_inputx(x):
Create matrix consists of x features as
column vector.
x : values of x which assume numpy.
ones= np.ones_like(x).reshape(1,-1)
x2=(x **2).reshape(1,-1)
x3=(x **3).reshape(1,-1)
return np.concatenate([ones,x1,x2,x3],axis=0)
def lambda_aster_inv(x_aster, Lambda, noize_lambda=0.2):
Compute precision of predictive model.
Tentatively lambda^-1 is 0.2.
return np.diagonal((1/noize_lambda) + x_aster.T@LA.inv(Lambda)@x_aster)
No training. Prediction only with prior distribution.¶
For the time being, m is →0, Λ−1 is identity matrix. λ−1 is 0.2.
x = np.linspace(-1,7,101)
# assumption
x_input = make_inputx(x)
m = np.zeros(4)
Lambda = np.eye(4)
# mu^astar, lambda^aster of predictive model
mu_astar = m@x_input
lambda_astar = lambda_aster_inv(x_input,Lambda)
# Compute expected value
expect_vals = np.array([norm.expect(loc=mu_tmp,scale=lambda_tmp)
for mu_tmp,lambda_tmp in zip(mu_astar,lambda_astar)])
plus_std = expect_vals + np.sqrt(lambda_astar)
minus_std = expect_vals - np.sqrt(lambda_astar)
# Plot predictive model with +- standard deviation
plt.fill_between(x, plus_std,minus_std,facecolor='deepskyblue')
As you can see, regression line is bold. Of course, there is no observed data so far. Prior distribution was not updated at all.
Training. Predict with posterior distribution¶
Let us assume we observed following data. Let's see how the predictive model goes :)
# Create data
data_x = random.uniform(-1,7,20)
# Add some kind of tremor to value of sin with gaussian distribution
data_y = 5 * np.sin(data_x) + random.normal(loc=0,scale=0.2,size=20)
# Functions required for posterior distribution
def lambda_posterior(x,noize_lambda,Lambda):
Compute precision matrix of posterior distribution
return (noize_lambda * x@x.T) + Lambda
def mu_posterior(x,y,mu,noize_lambda,Lambda):
Compute mean of posterior distribution
for i in range(y.shape[0]):
yx = yx + (y[i] * x[:,i])
return LA.inv(lambda_posterior(x,noize_lambda,
Lambda))@(noize_lambda*yx + Lambda@mu)
# mu_astar and lambda_astar of predictive model
data_x_input = make_inputx(data_x)
mu_astar_pos = mu_posterior(data_x_input,data_y,mu=m,
lambda_astar_pos = np.diagonal((1/0.2)+
# Compute expected value
expect_vals_post = np.array([norm.expect(loc=mu_tmp,
scale=np.sqrt(lambda_tmp)) for mu_tmp,
lambda_tmp in zip(mu_astar_pos,lambda_astar_pos)])
plus_std_post = expect_vals_post + np.sqrt(lambda_astar_pos)
minus_std_post = expect_vals_post - np.sqrt(lambda_astar_pos)
# Plot regression line
plt.fill_between(x,plus_std_post,minus_std_post,facecolor = 'tomato',alpha=0.3)
plt.plot(x,expect_vals_post2, color='tomato')
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